Shelley Before

I’ve always struggled with my weight. But after I had my third child, it got out of control. At 5’5″ I weighed in at 240 lbs,  and wore a size 16/17 pants, and I was miserable!! I hated how I looked and how I felt to the point that I barely ever left the house. And if I did, I covered myself up as much as possible. But I felt stuck. Doomed to be overweight the rest of my life. It even started affecting my marriage.

Then one day my daughter asked my husband why mommy was so fat. My heart broke and I realized I needed to change. I started doing Turbo Fire and drinking Shakeology everyday. Even though it was hard,  I pushed myself. I needed to set a good example for my kids. I can now say that I’m at my healthiest and feel the best I have in years!! I’m down to a healthy 160 lbs and size 8 pants. My husband can’t keep his hands off me and my kids tell me I’m beautiful! I actually have confidence and feel good about myself!! My efforts to make healthy choices have made my kids and my husband to start making healthier choices too.

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