Read about the success people have had using my Personal Coaching…
“This challenge has helped me to dig down deep within me and find who I really wanted to be. Over this past month I have really had to ask myself some pointed questions: Is my behavior pleasing to God? If he were here right now, would I be acting like this? What type of legacy do I want to leave for my kids? I grew up in a home with a lot of yelling. It’s what I knew. It’s how problems were settled. My mom and dad would yell and then everyone was quiet because no one liked the yelling. I had always said that I wouldn’t let that become my legacy. I didn’t want my kids to think that yelling was the way to handle problems yet here I was doing it. Not to the extent my parents did and not with the hurtful words they used, but nonetheless, yelling. It go immediate results, the yelling stopped, and all was quiet . But I was always left feeling terrible and constantly found myself apologizing for “going off the deep end once again”. This wasn’t what I wanted my kids to see or know. I wanted them to feel safe and secure in their home not always afraid that mom was “going to lose it”. So I knew this had to change. Just about that time, you offered this challenge. At first my intent was to change my eating habits (I had gone on vacation over the summer to TN and ate terrible. Ever since then I hadn’t gotten back on track). But then God nudged me and told me that wasn’t as important as this was. He reminded me of my desire to have a calmer home. I knew then what I needed to do.
I feel with God’s and this groups help, I have begun!!! I haven’t gotten to where I want to be yet. I still “lose it” sometimes but I’m getting better. I know because the other day my son looked at me and said, I like it when you don’t yell. I’m glad you aren’t doing that anymore!”-Theresa
“Before join Holly’s Motivation Challenge I was disorganized with a lot of dreams. Through the process of the challenge I was able to write it out and no longer dream, but start living out my goals. This challenge has not only motivated me, but also helped me see things in my life I didn’t know I had. Thanks, Holly!” -Lauren
“Holly taught me to set realistic goals but also gave me the tools I needed to achieve them. I would recommend her motivational group to anyone who is looking for support and encouragement and needs that extra push to get them going.”- Lisa
“The Motivation Group has been one of the best things I’ve done. Whilevbefore I’ve listed goals I realized I had been just in dreamland. Having it out there with others, helped me to begin to focus to make them reality.”-Sandie