No matter if you’re happy with your progress thus far, or not-so-much, I want to encourage you! You CAN Do This!
Today, I want you to go back to your WHY – Why you’re doing this – your big goal! Hopefully by now you can SEE that S.M.A.R.T Goal and you have it clearly written out. If you don’t, drop everything and do this now:
* Write out your SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
* Post it where you can see it (as many places as possible)
* Use “Triggers” to get you back on track when you feel like you’re falling off track.
I promise, if you take this seriously, you WILL find yourself more focused than ever!
Don’t wait on getting started with your GOAL. Contact me if you’re looking for a goal that will help improve your overall health and quality of life: