For entrepreneurs like myself, especially those that work from home, get up and get dressed for work, even if you aren’t leaving the house. One might think that since I work from home, I don’t have to worry about what I wear. I have found, while working my home based business, that I am much more productive when I am dressed for my work day ahead.This morning after taking my boys on a walk, I took a quick shower and put on a cute dress, not a big thing, but I know my mindset shifts to work mode when I feel confident in what I am wearing. When you are dressed for work, your mindset is often different than if you were to stay in your sweats or yoga pants all day.
While working for Bret and Chalene Johnson at Powder Blue Productions, I really learned from my now mentors that you should dress for your mindset. Even though we were a workout based company, we were to dress nice in the office.
When you are dressed and feel confident, the rest of your day will follow. Think about how different clothes make you feel and how different you carry yourself depending on what you have on. Or how your confidence level changes with different types of outfits?I have found that my work from home style definitely affects my productivity mindset.
Dress so that you feel confident and the work you do will exude the same confidence. Author, Personal Development Speaker and mentor for me (from afar), Brian Tracy, believes in the idea that if you dress for success your mindset will follow.
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