Have you always wanted to start your own business but felt like you just don’t have the time? Well, I’ll share some tips and show you how you can start a business (a 6-figure business!) on the side while you already have a jam-packed schedule!
First: Create your work schedule
Determine where in your day you can carve out time for your business. Can you make calls while you’re driving, use your lunch break to work on your business, get up a little earlier in the morning? Look at how many hours per week you watch TV or browse through magazines – can your time be better spent working on your business?
Be organized with how you manage your time. Brainstorm ideas, prioritize those ideas, create a list and stick to it!
Give up some social activities or hobbies. It’s not forever, just for now while you’re building up your business. Be laser-focused on the task at hand and avoid distractions.
Second: Set expectations for yourself and others
There are no handouts or freebies. You need to work hard EVERYDAY!
Your business will grow slowly the first year but the faster and stronger you build your team, the faster and stronger your business will grow..
Lead from the front. If you’re unwilling or won’t do something, chances are the members of your team won’t do it either.
Ask for support and understanding from those around you. You’re going to be sacrificing free time to get your business off the ground, let your friends and loved-ones know what you’re working towards so they’re not left wondering. Your sacrifices now will lead to abundance later.
Third: Your beliefs will guide you
If you want more, you must become more. Invest in yourself through personal development. Read and listen to motivational or educational training for your business. YOU must believe in the possibility of where you want to go.
There are no limits except those which you place on yourself. Concentrate on the future and your desired outcome.
Fight for your future as if you’re fighting for your life…because you are!
If you are looking to start your own home business, opt-in to do just that