I “know” this on a conscious level but to be very honest, this isn’t an automatic thing… I have to concentrate on having faith OVER fear.
I want to fully embrace this concept in my daily life ESPECIALLY with my family.
I find that I operate from a place of anxiety more often than I’d like.
I find that I am stressed more than I want to be.
I don’t necessarily feel stressed overall, but I don’t particularly like my tone when I’m rushing the kids out the door or just trying to get them to “obey”…. if you have kids, you know what I mean.
I don’t want to be someone that barks orders at my children; after all, it will only be a few short years before they’ll really be making their own decisions and I won’t be able to persuade them any longer.
God gave us all free will and choice.
It is MY JOB as a mom to guide my children to learn right from wrong, consequence and also how to excel and adapt in a world that’s changing by the second.
So yeah, I do have fears but I’m CHOOSING to be proactive in facing those fears head on.
My parents taught me to never back down – to be tough – to do the hard things and not to run from my problems. Thank you, mom & dad.
I’m going to pass the torch to my kids too, I want them to face their problems, fears, anxieties with the same tenacity I was taught as well.
I want them to be able to objectively look at themselves and know that they are a work in progress and they can have happiness and yet also be continuously growing and learning how to be better.
I want them to be content in where they are, but also know they can be better, too. There’s always more that can be done but true joy comes from knowing that the Lord loves us where we are at always.
Fear rears it’s ugly head in many ways… sometimes that’s frustration or anger for me… So, when I’m feeling angry I have to analyze myself. WHY am I angry and it usually comes down to my inability to do something or be something or really – to CONTROL something.
2020 is a new decade and I’m really working on embracing the moments, drop the anxiety, relieve myself (any my family) from my stress – all of these are some sort of fear.
I’m over it. I’m giving it up.
Fear: We are Breaking Up!
I’m choosing FAITH instead.