With the busyness of daily life, often times relationships with our loved ones suffer. We think they will be there for us no matter what, and sometimes they are the last ones we show our love and compassion to. Over time, your relationships will become less and less intimate. You will grow more and more distant. Be proactive with your love relationships and make your loved ones a priority!
*Use kind words. Say or send a quick text:
“Did I tell you today I love you?”
These simple words work whether you are in the best mood or not. Remind those closest to you how much you care each and everyday.
*Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile with your eyes, too. Have you ever noticed someone who always looks mad? Maybe they’re not mad, but they’re thinking. A smile can change your impression of someone’s mood. A smile is contagious and make others feel at ease around you.
*Go on a date. This goes for your partner and your kids. Make time to go on a “date” and spend one on one time with each of your loved ones doing something they enjoy. Engage in conversation. Remind them you care.
*Talk it out. People tend to avoid confrontation. This eventually leads to resentment. Be sure to keep the lines of communication open. Make an effort to engage your loved ones in conversations about their day, life, etc.
*Be an active listener. Stop moving and sit down to listen to your loved one. Make eye contact, nod, and be quiet. Listen to what they are saying, do not interrupt their thought. Let them finish before commenting or adding your side to the topic. Nobody likes to be interrupted. It makes you feel unimportant. Take a deep breath, even if you don’t agree with what the other person is saying, wait until they are done. Then comment with positive language.
*You are there for THEM. Let them know that you are there for them at all times. You are open and love them no matter what. They can confide in you and ask questions, with NO judgments.
*Greet. When your loved one walks in the door, make eye contact, smile, and give a hug or kiss. Say:
“I missed you.”
*Cook their favorite meal. Yes this sounds old fashioned, but cooking your loved ones favorite meal shows you care and they are a priority in your life.
*Dine together. Make it a plan to dine together as a couple and/or
family at least once a week, if not more often. Be sure to start conversation as you are gathered around the table.
*Unplug!!! Make one day or afternoon on the weekend to unplug from all electronic devices. We are all guilty of being caught up on our phones, computers, and video game devices. They are a distraction from those who are with us at the moment.
Turn it off and engage in conversation.
Go for a walk or play a board game. Remind one another that electronics are not a necessity…they are a luxury!