Trina Gray shares her 8 rules to become an Entrepreneur.
1) Fight For Your Right To Party!
- Find every opportunity to celebrate.
- Write down everything you do to celebrate your coaches’ & customers’ successes.
- Fitness is a party, invite people to it!
2) The Pink Fluffy Bunny
- Be able to embrace both winning and losing!
- People want
(1) Structure
(2) To belong
(3) To know what to expect.
That’s what makes people comfortable.
3) Balance is For Gymnasts, Not Entrepreneurs
- Balance in life doesn’t exist.
- Know what your priorities are. You might find they aren’t always balanced.
- There are 4 Key Elements to Being a Coach (and they won’t always roll at the same pace)
1. Workout! Take care of yourself
2. Network
3. Customers
4. Coaches
Keep them all in check. Let some move ahead and refocus again later.
4) Leave the Cookie Cutters to Martha
- Have systems but coach HUMANS.
- People want different things. You can’t coach them all the same.
- Coach what is convenient in their lives, not yours.
- Believe people to greatness but let them define their greatness. It might not be the same as yours.
5) The Ugly Pea Green Dress
- We are not slinging shakes and DVD’s.
- We are selling a way of life.
- Paint a way of life that people want with your posts on social media.
- You will never build a 6-figure income by selling products.
- Focus on what you believe about being a coach (being fit, happy, healthy, etc).
6) Revenge of The Nerds
- Get comfortable being a “nerd” (or coach).
- Let people get comfortable in their role as motivator, accountability partner, etc.
- Embrace who you are. Try role-playing exercises to get comfortable.
7) Boy George Says it Best
- Be a chameleon leader. You don’t have to do the same thing all the time.
- Don’t be bland. Change it up when things get dull.
8) Know Your Own Story But Tell Theirs
- As soon as your business starts to get “wings” tell your team’s story.
- Don’t make it about you. Make it about the people involved.
The Mission is to get sedentary people active. Not just keep fit people fit!