It’s important to stretch yourself for personal growth.Holly Hierman 473

I like to use past experiences and incorporate them into every day, practical life lessons.

As a former gymnastics coach, I constantly taught and saw, first-hand, the importance that flexibility and stretching played on each gymnast’s success. Even though I no longer coach or participate in gymnastics, I still teach the benefits in group exercise classes.

Let’s explore how stretching yourself personally and professionally can get some great results…

Here are six simple truths:

1.  You can’t do the splits overnight 

– Starting a business takes time
– Start with the basics
– It takes training
– Be consistent


2.  Believe in the benefits of being flexible 

– Increased flexibility = increased strength
Personal Development is vital
– Stay positive
– When you’re flexible, you’re less likely to get hurt


3.  People may not realize how important it is to STRETCH/FLEX/GROW 

– Engage with people: help them to remember why it’s important
– Be a leader
– Remind people of the benefits & help them to develop their “why”
– Stay connected & be helpful


4.  The alternative is scary 

– You will get hurt
– It’s not pretty when you’re rigid and fixed in place
– Consistently work on your flexibility (ie. your business skills) and after a while, your efforts will look effortless


5.  It’s worth the temporary pain 

– Being “stretched” is painful because you’re doing something you haven’t done before/going farther
– Payoff: You’ll be rewarded for your efforts.  You get out what you put in
– Anything worth having takes time


6.  No one will stretch if you don’t 

– It starts with you
– You must be walking the talk of your business
– Be an example


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