By Now You’ve Probably Heard the News

By now you’ve probably heard the news. BODi is eliminating it’s MLM/Network Marketing portion of the business.

How to navigate the shift & your next steps

If you haven’t seen it in your email, on social media or in the news, then I’ll do a quick recap for you. BODi will no longer be an MLM as of January 1st BUT this platform will still continue on, with supplements, nutrition and the best fitness streaming app and YOU can still be part of BODi as an affiliate, if you want to.

Basically, if you still love the products and like to make some extra money recommending the products & programs, then maybe you should transition to affiliate. Affiliate commissions will range from 20% to 50%.

If you DO decide you want to be an affiliate, I highly recommend you transfer any and all your customer reports, order reports, subscription reports from your online office ASAP. Keep them somewhere safe, so you can begin to reach out to your current customers & recapture them.

I want to tell you I’m okay, these have truly been the most fulfilling 16 years of my life and I am blessed to be here with you all. I want to help you navigate this, I still want to continue to take care of my team. I don’t want you to think that this is goodbye. I am going to continue to be here to help you navigate this process whether you want to transition to become an affiliate, whether you want to transition with me over to a different MLM, or if you come up with another business idea I’m here to help you navigate that.

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